of an urbane man and a polite person) canand diffusions of population made possible by not be depended on. In our social nature we our vast production, our physical hygiene remain like the half-domesticated 'huskies,' increase, and which like a swollen river the semi-wild sledge-dogs of the Eskimo, have burst the banks of the native moral ready, should their human leader fall, to laws, their traditional mores and the use rush upon him and devour him. In this vital and wont of their former ways of living? respect, in this the hall-mark of civility The unit of natural loyalty is the family the power to keep the peace and to respect and perhaps a small pack of 'cousins,' in a the law, the social insects are incomparably gregarious stock. The field of spontaneous liking arises within the group in which we have been reared, with whom we meet daily, market and mess with. Compel us, by pressure of business or politics to meet with people of different accents, manners, carriage and costume, tell us we must be loyal to our superiors. The challenge that confronts officials and politicians we may never have us today (and to which if we fail to give the seen and who when we do see them treat creative answer, then all our gear and powerus as aliens, people we never saunter with, plant only heaps fuel for our own self-willed play with, chant with, and (do what we will) immolation and holocaust) is, we know, prewe cannot feel that they are in any way kin. cisely this: Can we achieve a conscience, Our very loyalty to our own group, which a conduct and a control that can equal and tied us in with it and drew us on to that balance our almost insane ingenuity? Can first step, out from our private selves, now we learn to create a loyalty that can bind drags us back from this carping, coercive, us together so that we may have the social artificial demand made on us. This was tensile strength to contain and aim, hold and proved spectacularly in the vast history of direct the physical forces which we have China. No people has ever achieved such now released and which now being at large social capacity of tensile strength, so that will undoubtedly, if we do not control them, by their pattern of culture they were able destroy us? The problem (and it was clearly to hold together for millenia, hordes of recognised as fas back as Aristotle) is how peoples and contain and transform time and to extend natural liking and companionship again new deluges of barbarians, organising out of which raw material can be wrought this civilisation so recruited over vast disloyalty and devotion. How are we to take tricts by givng them a social behaviour style natural, spontaneous, 'wild' loyalty, the raw of which the new comers were as proud as ore, the native plant and refine it, cultivate the old inventors and which rendered these it, so that we may obtain such an increase amalgams of races and tribes the competent of this natural tensile strength, this 'elastic sustainers and developers of the most sobinding,' that through it we may be able to phisticated of civilisations. This huge success embrace and combine these vast increases was however never complete and ended in
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